NobleAriseCIC is intentional about providing culturally sensitive support and interventions
Culturally sensitive support and trauma informed care for women and young people who may have experienced trauma. Specialist and culturally appropriate support and advice will be offered to individuals and families from minoritised backgrounds who uses our service
Engaging individuals who use our services in beneficial community wellbeing activities like walking groups, food bank, arts and crafts, dancing groups, singing groups, cooking groups and gardening group
Counseling support and signposting services for people who have suffered from domestic violence. Support, advice and guidance for people with mental health issues. Focus groups and individual drop ins available.
We offer useful and informative support and guidance to victims and survivors of modern day slavery and human trafficking.
Offering group and individual Mindfulness and anger management sessions. Organising regular Women and Youths wellbeing workshops. We will offer a range of workshops and seminars for women and young people who are survivors of abuse, who have been in contact with social care with the emphasis on empowering them to improve their quality of life with support and guidance.
Supporting People who may have issues with the use of drug and alcohol. We will offer support and advice with securing employment, getting necessary skills and education, budgeting and money advice for people from different backgrounds and needs
Provide Support, advice and guidance to people who have had contact with the criminal justice system. Promoting support and guidance services for people who may need some support with their spiritual lives.